Caroline was 2 months old when the Elias D. Jones household was enumerated in Liberty Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana in the 1850 U.S. census:
- Elias D. Jones, farmer, age 31, born N. York, owned real estate valued at $200
- Annis Jones, age 29, born N. York
- Emma Jane Jones, age 6, born Ind.
- Frances M. Jones, age 3, born Ind.
- Caroline A. Jones, age 2 mos., born Ind.
- Elias Jones, farmer, age 41, born NY, owned real estate valued at $500 and a personal estate of $150.
- Annis Jones, age 39, born NY
- Emma Jones, age 16, born Ind.
- Frances Jones, age 13, born Ind.
- Caroline Jones, age 10, born Ind.
- Rodger Jones, age 7, born Ind.
- Benjamine Jones, age 5, born Ind.
Caroline also died young. She is buried near her husband and sister in Ferrisville Cemetery, St. Joseph Co., Indiana (south of Mishawaka). Her headstone has been reset and the repairs cover most of her date of death. Michael appears in the 1880 census as widowed. Among his children are a son born in 1875 and a 3 month old daughter. It seems likely that Caroline is the mother of those two children and died after the birth of the infant daughter.
Caroline A. Jones does not appear in the 1870 census with her parents, Elias and Annis. However, Amanda C. Jones (born 1850-51) does appear with Elias and Annis. It's possible that Caroline A. and Amanda C. are the same person, as Amanda does not appear with the Jones family in earlier census records. Both Rodger and Benjamin Jones are known to have used their middle names during their lifetimes. It's possible Caroline Amanda (?) Jones did the same thing.
Caroline was 15 years old and unmarried when Ida Ellen Andrews was born. I think I have to eliminate Caroline as Ida's mother.