Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Marsland Cemetery

Marsland Cemetery
Dawes County, Nebraska
May 6, 2018
Marsland Cemetery is a small country cemetery located on the prairie near Marsland, Nebraska in Dawes County. I most recently visited in early May with my sister. We have great grandparents and great-great grandparents buried there. Spring is a wonderful time to visit. The prairies are green, birds are singing and wildflowers are in bloom.

Marsland Cemetery
Established 1899

The Community of Marsland Can Be Seen in the Distance from
the Southwest Corner of the Cemetery

Another View to the Southwest

Elmer Ellsworth and Susan May Clark Squibb
My Great Grandparents

Elmer Ellsworth and Susan May Clark Squibb
Great Grandpa and Grandma Squibb's graves are located on the south side of the cemetery. Their granddaughter, Ruby Marshall, who died as an infant, is buried on the north side near her great grandparents who had gone on before.

Ruby Marshall
Daughter of John Edward "Bake" Marshall and Hazel Squibb Marshall
Baby Ruby Marshall

From the 1920 Alliance Semi-Weekly Times, Alliance, Nebraska:

Tuesday, February 24 - "Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marshall are the proud parents of a daughter, born Wednesday. Dr. McEwen of Hemingford was in attendance..."

Tuesday, November 9 - "Ruby, the nine-month old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marshall, died about 11:30 Friday night from the effects of whooping cough."

Tuesday, November 16 - "At the request of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marshall who buried their little girl last Sunday, we wish to thank the many friends for their kindnesses in the hour of bereavement and for the many beautiful floral offerings."

In 2017, Ruby's older sister, three years old at the time, still remembered and told of the night her baby sister died. Her mother's heartbreak was etched in her memory for all time.

Resting place of Baby Ruby
Listen carefully, and you will hear meadowlarks singing.

View to the Northwest
Baby Ruby's Grave is in the Foreground
Her Great Grandparents, Adam and Elizabeth Squibb, are Buried Left Center

Adam and Elizabeth (Fox) Squibb
Final Resting Place
My Great Great Grandparents

Purple Irises, Likely Planted Long Ago

Photos taken by Linda 6 May 2018