Friday, May 25, 2018

Mary Fox Herron

I recently wrote about the letter Mary Herron wrote to "My Dear Aunt Betsy" , my great great grandmother, Elizabeth Fox Squibb, in 1912. It is unknown if this undated photo of Mary was taken before or after her marriage.

Mary Fox
Mary was the daughter of John P. Fox and Henrietta Strain, who in 1850 were living in the town of Esperance, Schoharie County, New York. Living in their household at the time were three other members of the Strain family, including Mary Strain, age 60, perhaps Henrietta's mother.

John Fox Household
1850, Esperance, Schoharie Co., NY

The New York state census taken in 1855 reveals much about the John P. Fox family. Mary Fox, daughter of John, appears at age 3. Mary Strain is listed as John's mother-in-law, and Betsey M. Fox, age 22, is now living with the family and is identified as John's sister, (Mary's Aunt Betsey). Henrietta is noticeably absent.

John Fox Household
1855 New York State Census
Esperance, Schoharie Co., NY

Henrietta Strain
Wife of John P. Fox
Cobleskill Rural Cemetery
Cobleskill, New York
Photo Taken by the Author June 11, 2017

Henrietta died July 3, 1854, age 33 years, 1 month and 16 days. Mary was two years old. Notice the last column of numbers in the 1855 census. The column heading not shown is "Years Resident in this City or Town". Betsey had lived there one year....since 1854. It seems likely that John's sister had come to live with them after Henrietta died to help care for little Mary.

Mary grew up, taught school, married Charles Herron, raised a family of her own and lived a long life.

Mary Fox Herron Obituary
The Bainbridge News
Bainbridge, NY, 11 May 1944
A transcription of Mary's obituary can be found on her Find a Grave memorial.

Charles S. Herron
Cobleskill Rural Cemetery
Cobleskill, New York
Photo Taken by the Author June 11, 2017

Mary J. Fox
His Wife
Cobleskill Rural Cemetery
Cobleskill, New York
Photo Taken by the Author June 11, 2017